Stakeholder Management and Materiality Assessment
Maintaining open and transparent communication with our stakeholders is important for us to understand their views on the issues that concern them the most. We strive to foster constructive engagement to ensure our strategy aligns with their values and expectations.
In 2021, we conducted a stakeholder engagement exercise to identify the Group’s material sustainability issues, and an independent consultant facilitated the process. The resulting material issues are deemed significant and impactful to our business, stakeholders, and strategy, which was reviewed and validated by the Committee.
Stakeholder Engagement Process
The Company has established a stakeholder engagement process, which consists of the following three stages:
Materiality Assessment Result
Through engaging our stakeholders, we have identified 20 material issues relevant to them and our business. The results revealed that social and product-related issues were considered more material than environmental. The five highest-ranking issues are product green innovation, product quality and safety, employment and welfare, employee development and training, and supply chain management.
The results guide us to strengthen our focus on the key sustainability priorities to maximise our impact. We analysed and incorporated the results into our sustainability approach, strategy and reporting.
While environmental issues ranked lower in the assessment, we recognise that environmental issues represent an emerging area of focus for the sportswear industry. As consumer and societal expectations evolve, we acknowledge that maintaining a healthy environment is integral to long-term business success and serving community needs. We will continue progressing our approach and enhancing the transparency in this area.